Oomuraya Brewery was established in 1832 in Shimada, Shizuoko prefecture and is located along the Ohi River, which flows from Japan’s southern Alps (home to Mount Fuji), in the center of the country, to the Pacific Ocean. Wakatake Onikoroshi sake is historically famous for having comforted many weary travelers crossing the Ohi, and the town once prospered with lodging. Despite the great water quality, Oomuraya is the only remaining brewery in Shimada today. It is run by Mr. Keisaji Matsunaga, the sixth-generation owner. The current Toji, or Brewmaster, is Mr. Satoru Hibino. The team is very small (5 to 7 people), and dedicated to preserving sake traditions for the next generation. Together, the Wakatake Super Demon Slayer & Demon Slayer are the most popular premium sakes in America.