ABOUT THE PRODUCER: Domaine Chofflet

Domaine Chofflet is located in the hillside hamlet of Russilly, in the Givry appellation, at the center of Burgundy’s Côte Chalonnaise region. The 14-hectare estate has belonged to the Chofflet  family since 1710. Denis Valdenaire,  son-in-law of Jean Chofflet, managed the domaine from 1986 until 2018. Among Denis notable accomplishments was being part of the replanting of the Clos Jus vineyard 30 years ago. In 2017, his son in law, Jonathan Brunot , 32 years old, joined Denis for the harvest. He took the reins fully in 2018, following Denis’s retirement.

Jonathan changed the name of the estate back to its original name, Domaine Chofflet, and renamed the Givry Rouge AOC to Givry Heritage as a tribute to both Jean Chofflet and Denis Valdenaire. Three red Givrys – the Givry Rouge Heritage AOC, 1er Cru En Choué, 1er Cru Clos Jus – and a small amount of rarely seen Givry Blanc are produced.

Farming practices: Denis and now Jonathan have been dedicated to sustainable farming for over 30 years. Denis was an early devotee of culture raisonnée practices. They prune severely in the Spring to eliminate excess growth and thereby mitigate vine diseases, enabling him to limit treatments to the absolute minimum. The soils are plowed in all of the domaine’s vineyards to break up surface roots, train the vine’s roots to penetrate deeper and foster a healthy nature ambiance.

Jonathan changed the name of the estate back to its original name, Domaine Chofflet, and renamed the Givry Rouge AOC to Givry Heritage as a tribute to both Jean Chofflet and Denis Valdenaire.